We are set up to utilise our experience pool and knowledgebase to assist technicians, graduates, experienced engineers and other experienced professionals to improve their technical capabilities by learning new industrial engineering subject areas or improving existing skills set.
Our courses cover practical areas in process engineering and control systems/automation customised for delegates and delivered in a boardroom setting or via discipline-based secondments within projects.
Our courses are designed to assist participants to gain proficiency in a host of practical industrial engineering subject areas such that they are able to produce engineering deliverables or carry out billable scope of work as part of an engineering project with less need for additional training.
This in turn, enables associated firms and individuals to execute advanced scope of work on the international scene while at the same time reducing the need for expensive joint-ventures with others. With our services practising engineers and firms can surely expand and improve on current performance of their human resources and increase commercial revenues due to additional work scope they are able to execute.